The next three lessons deal with the origin of the Church from the viewpoints of [1] Time, and [2] authority, That is, when did the Church begin and by whose authority was it built? Whose authority controls it? All need to learn well the answers to these important questions. Particular stress should be given to the distinction to be made between Old and New Testament authority and the purposes Old scriptures serve today in the Church of God.
[1] The Importance Of Knowing When The Church Began
1. Matter of identity- to distinguish it from Old Testament agencies and also from religious institutions of modern human origin.
2. To identify its laws- and to see when the law governing the Church of God went into effect.
11. Church Foreshadowed in Old Testament [Heb. 9:11,23; 10:1].
1. The Church then was not in existence in the Old Testament days.
2. Old Testament worthies desired to see its era [1 Pet, 1:10-12].
111. Beginning Of Church or Kingdom, Subjects of Prophesy:
1. Isaiah 2:2-3; Micah 4:1-2. To be established’
[1] In last days
[2] In Jerusalem
[3] New Testament Age is “last days” Heb. 1:1-2; acts 2:16-17.
2. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream [Dan. 2:31-35; interpretation of the Dream Dan. 2:36-45
Four Kingdoms:
1. Babylonian- Nebuchadnezzar, King, 600 B.C. Kingdom fell in 536 B.C. Represented by head of gold.
2. Medo-Persian, established by Cyrus, King of Persia and Darius, King of Media, fell in 330 B.C. Represented by the breasts and arms of silver.
3. Macedonia-established by Alexander the Great. Divided among his generals in 323 B.C. Represented by belly and thighs of brass.
4. Roman, established as world power by Octavius Caeser in 30 B.C. Roman Kingdom represented by legs of iron and clay. “In the days of these Kings” – Therefore refers to the time of universal empires and “smote the image upon its feet” signifies that the event which Daniel foresaw, the establishment of the Kingdom of God, would take place
after the beginning of the Roman Empire in AD 30 and during its existence.
5. The New Testament begins its story while the Caesar’s still ruled the world. “in those days came John the Baptist” Matt. 3:1-2. What days? Luke 3:1-2. “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar”-”Preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, repent ye; for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand,”
IV. Church Was Not Established By John:
1. preached “at hand”- or approaching Matt. 3:1-2.
2. John was not in the Kingdom Matt. 11:11.
V. Church Not Established During the personal Ministry of Jesus Yet In The Future
1. Mark 1:15- “At hand”-Jesus.
2. Matt. 10:7-”At hand”-Twelve.
3. Luke 10:9-”Come nigh unto you”
4. Matt. 6:9-10-”Disciples taught to pray for it.
5. Matt. 16:18-Christ promised to build.
6. Matt. 18:1-3 disciples not yet in it.
7. Mark 9:1- Christ promises that it will come during that generation.
8. Luke 22:18; 19:11-Disciples yet expecting it Mk.15:43
9. Acts 1:6-Had not come at time of ascension.
VI. The Beginning:
A. [1] Kingdom to begin and law to go forth from Jerusalem Isaiah 2:2-3; Luke 24:47
[2] Law went forth on Pentecost from Jerusalem Acts 2:37-38.
[3]. Pentecost the beginning Acts 2:1-4; 11:15.
B. [1] The Kingdom was to come with power Mk. 9:1.
[2] The Power was to come with Holy Spirit Acts 1:8.
[3]. The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost Acts 2:1-4
[4]. Therefore the kingdom came on Pentecost
C. [1]. The law was to go forth from Jerusalem Isaiah. 2:2-3.
[2]. The Apostles commissioned to preach Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; but instructed to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come and guide them before beginning Luke 24:49.
[3]. Spirit came on Pentecost and preaching of the gospel, the law of the Kingdom began on Pentecost Acts 2:31-38.
V11. Pentecost Marks the Beginning Acts 11:15.
1. The beginning of the Christian age- the New Covenant [Heb. 8:8; 9:15-17].
2. The beginning Of the Church.
3. The beginning of gospel preaching.
4. Beginning of the preaching of the remission of sins Luke 24:47.
V111. After Pentecost the Church or Kingdom Always Spoken of as in Existence .
Acts 2:47: 5:11;8:1; 11:22; 13:1; 14:27; Col. 1:13; Rev. 1:9.
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